Logs | Page 3 of 8

These logs are random snippets of information that have been useful to me in the past. Hopefully they help you too!

Nautilus: open windows in the foreground.

To make nautilus open windows in front of the terminal in 14.04, install compizconfig-settings-manager and set the “Focus Prevention Level” to “Off” under “G...

Autoloading .bashrc on ssh login

My ~/.bashrc file was not getting automatically loaded when I ssh-ed into the ece server. Turns out that you need a ~/.profile file, which tells bash to load...

Autoloading inputrc on ssh login

When I ssh-ed into the ece server, inputrc was not loaded by default. So command-line history was not iPython-like. To make this happen, just press Ctrl-X Ct...

Vim bundle submodule repository

I made the .vim/bundle folder into a repo of submodules. Find it here. In order to successfully clone and set up this folder, first clone bundle, then run gi...

Single quotes in bash

In bash, single-quotation causes all characters within to be treated as literal. “A single quotation mark may not appear within single quotes; not even when ...

sed ‘top/htop/g’

To check out CPU utilization using a fancier top command, try htop.

Getting time stamps for bash history

In order to get a time-stamped command line history for bash, look up the HISTTIMEFORMAT setting in the man pages for bash. My HISTTIMEFORMAT is currently se...